Saturday, April 27, 2013

its been a long time coming...and going

Its been a long time since our last post. Still in love. Still yuppie scum. In fact, probably more so given that Scott is a lawyer now. Which leads us to the latest wander. Ireland, to visit the King's Inn in Dublin.

You see, in England and Ireland they train their lawyers in institutions called Inns of Court. The US also has Inns of Court, but they are more mentorship and social organizations. Scott is a member of the Minoru Yasui Inn of Court, and he helped to organize a trip to visit the Inn in Dublin. All very proper and social, and a fabulous excuse to visit IRELAND!

I can't tell you how long we both have been looking forward to this. Originally it was supposed to be the passing the bar trip, but life got in the way. Thus it has been a long time coming that we are finally going.

Learn some Irish history.
Learn about the Irish legal system.
Make a new friend or two.
Challenge the conventional wisdom that food in Ireland sucks.
See some very ancient sites.
Try a new Irish whiskey at every pub.
Guinness x 2
Have a great time together, of course.
Try to sleep on the plane (its always good to set an unattainable goal or two...)

Oh, and Dulles is not Dallas.

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