Monday, November 27, 2006

Italy 2006- 7.3

Ah the Vatican, where even the statues of the Popes get crapped on by pigeons and even the nuns cut the line. The piazza and Basilica are stunning, although it seems to me to be more corporate headquarters than a holy site. It is one of those places where you can hear 12 different languages at once. The story here was a group of four nuns, looking like they were from southeast Asia, cutting in front of us in the line, and then proceeding to “work” their way up through the line. I suppose they felt like they were entitled or something. One did have a guilty look on her face. I hope for her sake she went to confession inside. The highlight for me is Michelangelo’s Pieta. Simply a masterpiece.

We are going to skip the museum and the Sistine chapel, and concentrate tomorrow on seeing the ancient sites in the city.

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